Version | Change log |
64bit Checker 1.5.0 Jul 7, 2015 | 64bit Checker 1.5.0: Added detection code for Windows 10 operating systems (note that this is not complete yet) and added high DPI awareness so the app looks good on high DPI displays. |
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... for tech enthusiasts who want to track their computer performance with ease. The Portable System Information Viewer is a software developed by Ray Hinchliffe ... computer's hardware, software, and network settings. With its portable design, you can run it on any compatible ...
Top Download Club is proud to present Portable GCFScape, an innovative software developed by Ryan Gregg. ... compatible with a variety of operating systems, including Windows, Linux and Mac, ensuring that users from all platforms can benefit from it. With Portable GCFScape, users can extract various types of files ...
... software, and this week we're thrilled to feature Portable RegistryReport by renowned software developer Werner Rumpeltesz. This ... analyze and report on the contents of your Windows registry, helping you pinpoint potential issues and improve system performance. The best part? It's totally portable and can be run from a USB stick. ...