Version | Change log |
ADO.Net DAC for Delphi Nov 2, 2021 |
- Compatible with Delphi 11 Alexandria. - Stability and performance improvements. |
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Top Download Club is your go-to destination for expert reviews on the latest software products. Today, we're thrilled to introduce the powerful programming language Delphi, developed by Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. Delphi is the ultimate tool for modern software development, allowing developers to quickly create ...
... is proud to present the .Net Runtime Library for Delphi software, developed by the innovative team at CrystalNet Technologies LTD. This impressive tool seamlessly integrates the power of .Net framework into Delphi application development, providing developers with access to a plethora of pre-built .Net libraries, components and APIs. This library enables developers to quickly ...
Looking for a top-notch software that seamlessly integrates and automates your .Net dll and WSDL imports for Delphi projects? Look no further than ".Net DLL/WSDL Importer for Delphi" by CrystalNet Technologies LTD, the latest innovation on the block. Say ... pro developer or just starting, .Net DLL/WSDL Importer for Delphi is a must-have tool in your toolbox. ...