Version | Change log |
Aloaha Smart Card Connector 6.0.170 Dec 14, 2013 | Approx. 45 Smartcards supported: SuisseID, German e-ID (nPA), HBA, eGK, SMC, CardOS, Kobil, SECCOS, s-Card, D-Trust, Telesec, Belgium Belpic, Signtrust, Micardo, StarCOS, ... |
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... of having to constantly insert and remove your smartcard for authentication purposes? Look no further than Aloaha Smartcard Connector, developed by Wrocklage Intermedia GmbH. This software allows for remote access to smartcards, eliminating the need for physical insertion. Its easy ... to the hassle of constantly fumbling with your smartcard - Aloaha Smartcard Connector has got you covered. ...