Version | Change log |
Android Studio 2024.3.1.13 Mar 7, 2025 |
Fixed Issues: Android Gradle Plugin: Unable to strip the following libraries, packaging them as they are Gradle Files Editor: [DCL] Add support for function call with lambda as last parameter UastGradleVisitor does not correctly detect parents for method calls Make TomlError Parser aware about catalog names and iterate through catalogs if necessary Lint: Lint: AGP 8.10.0-alpha05 triggers lots of false positive SyntheticAccessor Make it possible to enable NewApi on test sources What is the effect of pressing button "LintIdeFix" after code inspection in Android Studio Logcat: Android Studio Meerkat Feature Drop | 2024.3.2 Canary 4- Not able to change the Logcat font and its size Multiplatform: 'Non-Android source sets detected' notification is displayed for jvm source sets in a kmp project with android and jvm targets applied |
Android Studio 2024.2.2.15 Feb 26, 2025 |
Fixed Issues: Initialization script 'C:UsersmypcAppDataLocalTempijresolvers2.gradle' line: 162 Android Studio not deploying changes to app Gson proguard is not working properly after upgrading to AGP 8.8 java.lang.VerifyError: Verifier rejected class Leanback crashes when minified with R8 included in AGP 8.10.0-alpha04 |
Android Studio 2024.2.2.14 Feb 13, 2025 |
API: Graduate to stable Compose Preview Screenshot Testing: Can't generate screenshots: update task fails in coroutine dispatcher setup Deployment: [Ladybug Canary 9] When running project, AS does not rebuild project anymore resulting in "Error loading build artifacts" Feedback: Rename Help > Submit Feedback to Help > File Bug? Gradle: When using compose in a single-variant android library, that variant should have includeSourceInformation enabled IntelliJ: From JetBrains: stamp Bazel-built plugin metadata into product-info.json Layout and Resource Editing: Layout scroll ??? Lint: False positive lint error for CredentialManagerSignInWithGoogle Multiplatform: Accessing `` crashes if the delegate's java property is null Room SQL: Queries querying database views give syntax error Dropping column in query gives style check error |
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Top Download Club is thrilled to introduce the Android NDK, an extraordinary software developed by Google that we rate as among the best in ... you're looking for a powerful platform to create Android apps with C and C++ code, then look ...
Top Download Club presents the Android NDK x64 by Google, a revolutionary software that empowers developers to write high-performance native code in C and ... a plethora of advanced features, this software allows developers to build hardware-accelerated Android applications and games that ...
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