Version | Change log |
Aztec Font and Encoder Suite 21.05 May 28, 2021 |
-Added Crystal Reports Native Font Formula. -Added Excel Font Encoder App and Native VBA for Windows/Mac. -Updated IDAutomation2D font with digital signatures, and Windows installers with SHA256. -Updated Silent Installer. -GS1 FNC1 and UTF-8 encoding support added for several environments. |
Aztec Font and Encoder Suite 13.12 Dec 19, 2013 | Fixed an infinite recursion issue within the FontEncoder. |
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... latest featured software is the impressive "2D Barcode Font and Encoder for Windows" developed by, Inc. This software is an ideal solution for businesses that require top-of-the-line barcode functionality. With an elegant and easy-to-use user interface, this software provides the essential ...
... you our latest review for the "Data Matrix Font and Encoder Suite" developed by, Inc. This software is a complete package that lets you create accurate and optimized Data Matrix barcodes with ease. The suite offers an extensive range of font formats including ...
... Download Club is proud to present the MaxiCode Font and Encoder Suite, developed by, Inc. This software revolutionizes the way you encode, print and scan MaxiCode barcodes. The suite is packed with features to make your job easier, including a variety of font sizes, output options and encoding tools. The intuitive ...