Version | Change log |
Browser Password Dump 8.0 Dec 29, 2018 | Major 2019 release with support for password recovery from new Brave browser. |
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... reviews! Today, we're excited to present MySQL Query Browser Password Dump, developed by the trusted team at SecurityXploded. With this software, you can easily and quickly retrieve saved passwords for MySQL Query Browser. This handy program is perfect for those who have forgotten their password and need to access their database quickly and ...
... the most useful tools for any MySQL Query Browser user out there. We are talking about the incredible Password Dump for MySQL Query Browser software developed by SecurityXploded. If you are worried ... your database or simply want to retrieve your passwords in case you forgot them, this is the ...
... proud to present the ultimate software solution for password recovery. SX Password Dump Suite by SecurityXploded is the perfect tool for anyone who needs to retrieve passwords from a variety of sources. This powerful suite ... you need to easily extract, decrypt and recover passwords from popular browsers, email clients, FTP clients and ...