Version | Change log |
CDBFAPI Library 2.00 Sep 20, 2017 |
New version contains: Classic cdbfapi.dll, both 32 and 64 bit cdbfapiPlus.dll, both 32 and 64 bit, C++ class C# wrapper for cdbfapiPlus.dll Delphi wrappers: cdbfapi.pas and cdbfapiPlus.pas iOS framework OSX framework |
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... proud to offer VeryUtils PDF to SVG Converter Command Line, a top-of-the-line conversion software developed by Inc. ... to add flexibility to your workflow or a web developer looking to optimize your site's image quality, this software is sure to impress. Its intuitive command line interface allows for efficient batch processing and customization ...
... and ease of the VeryPDF PDF Content Splitter Command Line! This versatile software developed by Inc. allows you to split PDF files into smaller, more manageable pieces effortlessly. With a simple command line interface, you can split your documents based on ...
... latest and greatest in software innovation and ParmisPDF Command line is no exception. Developed by Infordesk, ParmisPDF Command line is a top-of-the-line tool for developers seeking PDF functionality. Its simple yet powerful command line interface allows developers to easily integrate PDF capabilities ...