Version | Change log |
ClearSQL Jan 17, 2019 |
- Subscription license type: 100.000 lines of code for $10 per month. Every 10.000 lines on top of the plan add $1 to the bill. - Detection of duplicate code - Code quality trend - Technical debt calculation |
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... proud to introduce the Find it EZ Source Code Analysis software developed by Find it EZ Software Corp. ... quickly and accurately. With Find it EZ Source Code Analysis, you will be able to work with multiple ... The software offers outstanding features, such as comprehensive code analysis, cross-referencing, and automated documentation. These features are perfect ...
... manually? Look no further than SQLDetective, developed by Conquest Software Solutions. This powerful software boasts numerous time-saving features, such ... one comprehensive package. Say goodbye to tedious manual database management - give SQLDetective a try today. ...
... collection of software downloads: ClearDB Documenter developed by Conquest Software Solutions. ClearDB Documenter is the ultimate tool for generating documentation for all your databases in a snap. This state-of-the-art software extracts metadata from your MySQL databases and converts it into ...