Version | Change log |
Crypt-O 3.4.397 Oct 25, 2021 |
- new: Support for ECDSA certificates for the Web interface. - updated: Force ECDHE and DHE for TLS on Crypt-o Server. |
Crypt-O 3.4.395 Oct 7, 2021 |
- new: Option to set an expiration date for passwords of user accounts. - new: The Favorites menu in the Crypt-o client. - new: Option to create shortcut records which point to other records or folders. - new: Field option "OTP generator". |
Crypt-O 3.3.387 Aug 6, 2021 |
- updated: Include the client's version number for the logon/logoff events in the System Audit log. - fixed: Search by a text in the object title in the Audit log did not work in some cases. |
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