Version | Change log |
DarkWave Studio 5.9.4 Nov 16, 2020 | Removed advertising from installer. Portable ZIP archive version now available from |
DarkWave Studio 5.9.3 Jun 29, 2020 | Added a CPU usage monitor to the machine container. It shows a CPU use graph and can be clicked like a button to pause the machine's processing. |
DarkWave Studio 5.9.2 Mar 17, 2020 | Updated installer with new code signing certificate. |
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... Today, we're excited to introduce you to MuLab Free, an exceptional digital audio workstation developed by MUTOOLS. With its intuitive user interface and powerful features, MuLab Free is an excellent choice for both professional and ... musicians alike. One of the standout features of MuLab Free is its modular architecture. This allows users to ...
... one of the most user-friendly and feature-packed MIDI sequencers available on the market today - Sweet Sixteen MIDI Sequencer Portable. Developed by Roni Music, a company renowned ... professional, high-quality music quickly and easily. Sweet Sixteen MIDI Sequencer Portable offers the perfect balance of comprehensive features ...
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