Version | Change log |
Displacement Map 1.0 Jun 22, 2009 | New release |
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Looking for a powerful yet easy-to-use graphic design software? Look no further than Graphic Design Shop from Summitsoft Corporation. With this software, you ... your personal and professional needs. Whether you're a graphic designer or a small business owner, Graphic Design Shop ...
... Download Club is excited to introduce the SRDx Photoshop Plugin Win by LaserSoft Imaging. This powerful image editing software is revolutionizing the way we approach photo retouching. The plugin utilizes advanced algorithms to seamlessly remove unwanted scratches, dust, and other imperfections from your photos. It also includes a unique feature to fix ...
Are you a photography enthusiast looking for a powerful yet user-friendly image editing software? Look no further than Photo-Brush by MediaChance. With its extensive set of tools ... intuitive interface, you can enhance and manipulate your photos with ease. Its advanced features include non-destructive layering, ...