Version | Change log |
DroidDiagram 1.3 May 2, 2016 | free-form drawing; convert free-form to ShapeNode; fold icon in ContainerNode; AdjustmentHandle class for handles; selection moves unconnected links; improved dash-frame default colors; |
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Top Download Club is excited to feature MindFusion LLC's NetDiagram ASP.NET Control as one of our top software picks. This ... is designed for professional developers who require high-quality diagramming solutions. With NetDiagram, developers can create custom diagrams for business processes, network layouts, and more with ...
... a reliable and efficient solution for integrating your Java applications with Microsoft Exchange Server, Java Bridge to Exchange by Moyosoft is just what ... Server and enables seamless data communication between your Java applications and Exchange Server. Developed by Moyosoft, a renowned software developer with years of experience in Java development, Java Bridge to Exchange offers a wide ...
... today. One of our top picks is the Visualization Toolkit (VTK) developed by Kitware, Inc. This comprehensive ... cross-platform software system for three-dimensional computer graphics, image processing, and visualization. VTK is specifically designed for research or industrial applications that demand complex visualization of data sets with multiple variables. With VTK, ...