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Earth Alerts download

Earth Alerts

Version: 2024.1.182 | Size: 2.80 MB | Filename: Setup_EarthAlerts.zip
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Top Download Club is thrilled to introduce Earth Alerts, the ultimate weather and natural hazard monitoring tool from South Wind Technologies. This powerful software delivers invaluable information about earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, thunderstorms, wildfires, volcanoes, landslides, and more, in real-time. With Earth Alerts, you can customize alerts based on your location and preferred notification channels, such as email, SMS, or voice calls. Moreover, you can choose from multiple map views and layers to analyze the global weather patterns and phenomena. Earth Alerts provides access to thousands of data sources, including USGS, NOAA, and EMSC, to ensure accuracy and reliability. Additionally, the software offers a wealth of educational resources, graphs, and charts to deepen your understanding of climate science. Earth Alerts is available for Windows, macOS, and Android platforms, and comes with a user-friendly interface and detailed documentation. Don't miss out on this innovative and indispensable tool for staying prepared and informed about natural events. Join the Top Download Club today and experience the power of Earth Alerts!

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Earth AlertsOtherWindows 11, Windows 10 32/64 bit

User Rating: 4.0 (84 votes)



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2.80 MB

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Windows 11, Windows 10 32/64 bit

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Last versions of Earth Alerts
Version Change log
Earth Alerts 2024.1.182 Dec 4, 2024 The Earth Alerts project has been resurrected from the dead!
There are many bug fixes. Some features have been removed entirely. A few features are still broken, mostly due to external factors, such as data sources being unavailable, incomplete and/or out of date.
Time permitting, I will continue to maintain this project.
Thank you to all who have supported the Earth Alerts project over the years! I first made this application publicly available back in 2006.
When I was younger, and had more time available, I spent a lot of time working on this project. To those out there who may still be using Earth Alerts, I am sorry I cannot devote as much time to it as before.
Life happens, priorities change.
*** I no longer accept donations via PayPal! ***
However, if you still wish to support my efforts check the Donate screen within the application! I use the Strike website / mobile app to accept donations denominated in Bitcoin or USD.
"Not all who wander are lost!"
Earth Alerts 2024.1.180 Nov 18, 2024 The Earth Alerts project has been resurrected from the dead!
There are many bug fixes. Some features have been removed entirely. A few features are still broken, mostly due to external factors, such as data sources being unavailable, incomplete and/or out of date.
Time permitting, I will continue to maintain this project.
Thank you to all who have supported the Earth Alerts project over the years! I first made this application publicly available back in 2006.
When I was younger, and had more time available, I spent a lot of time working on this project. To those out there who may still be using Earth Alerts, I am sorry I cannot devote as much time to it as before.
Life happens, priorities change.
*** I no longer accept donations via PayPal! ***
However, if you still wish to support my efforts check the Donate screen within the application! I use the Strike website / mobile app to accept donations denominated in Bitcoin or USD.
"Not all who wander are lost!"
Earth Alerts 2024.1.170 Jun 25, 2024
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