Version | Change log |
FindinSite-MS 1.72 Feb 26, 2014 | Update to send results emails using secure credentials better |
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... is proud to offer the latest and greatest software for all your needs. One such software that we recommend is Site Link Checker, developed by Nsasoft US LLC. This software is perfect for anyone who runs a website and wants to ensure that all the links ...
Top Download Club is a top-notch website that offers an extensive collection of software reviews across various genres. One of the most impressive software in their lineup is the "Web Miner" developed by Avant Prime. This web mining tool enables you to extract data from ...
Introducing the ultimate tool for web data extraction - the Web Data Extractor! Developed by Lantech Soft, this software stands out for its exceptional speed, accuracy, and ... a few clicks, you can extract data from websites and save it in various formats that suit ...