Version | Change log |
Funny Worms 1.05 Jun 8, 2019 | Added Windows 10 support |
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... a trip down the rabbit hole, The Psychedelic Screen Saver by Synthesoft, Inc. is the software for you. This mesmerizing screen saver takes you on a visual journey of vivid, ... patterns that will leave you feeling inspired and relaxed. The customizable settings allow you to create your ...
... we're excited to introduce you to "The Hypnogenic Screen Saver" developed by Synthesoft, Inc. This unique screensaver is a mesmerizing experience for your eyes and ... put you in a trance-like state. The Hypnogenic Screen Saver offers a high level of customization, allowing you ...
... to our software collection: the 3D Realistic Fireplace Screen Saver by Gelios Software. This stunning screensaver is a must-have for anyone looking to add ... of a real-life fireplace. The 3D Realistic Fireplace Screen Saver is incredibly easy to use, with a user-friendly ...