Version | Change log |
GiMeSpace Desktop Extender Sep 18, 2022 | Allows now reverse scroll direction so the choice is now between scan and pan scrolling and scrolling like with touch screen devices. |
GiMeSpace Desktop Extender May 26, 2022 | Allows now reverse scroll direction so the choice is now between scan and pan scrolling and scrolling like with touch screen devices. |
GiMeSpace Desktop Extender Apr 12, 2022 | Allows now reverse scroll direction so the choice is now between scan and pan scrolling and scrolling like with touch screen devices. |
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... the latest addition to its software collection – GiMeSpace Desktop Extender 3D. Developed by GiMeSpace, this revolutionary software takes the desktop space to a whole new level. Say goodbye to the limitations of your small desktop screen and welcome the expanded digital workspace that ...