Version | Change log |
GSM Modem Send SMS Jan 27, 2012 | Added support to communicate with targeted audience |
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"Send Bulk SMS from Mobile" is a groundbreaking software developed by Send Bulk SMS, designed to revolutionize the way we communicate en masse. This software is a game-changer for businesses, organizations, or individuals who need to send out mass messages quickly and efficiently. The software ...
"Send Bulk SMS For Window Mobile" is a revolutionary software developed by Send Bulk Sms, a leading name in the digital communication industry. ... game-changer for businesses and individuals who need to send mass messages efficiently and effectively. The software is ... for anyone to navigate. It allows users to send bulk SMS to multiple recipients at once, saving ...
The "Send Bulk SMS for GSM Mobile" software developed by Send Bulk Sms is a powerful tool that offers a seamless and efficient way to communicate with a large number of people simultaneously. This ... game-changer for businesses and organizations that need to send mass messages to their clients or members. The software ...