Version | Change log |
Hidden Cmd Detector 1.5 Jun 13, 2013 | Displays 32-bit Process on 64-bit system as *32 for easier identification. Detect and alert user on accidental running of 32-bit version on 64-bit system |
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... to present CrispoMyOwnTech Security Expert 2011, the ultimate security software developed by Jelrik Marechal. This powerful tool provides unbeatable protection against malware, viruses and hacking attempts, ensuring the safety of your personal and professional data. With its user-friendly interface and ...
... present to you one of the most effective security software available on the market today – IMsecure Pro by Zoner, Inc. This software provides a comprehensive security solution for online instant messaging by protecting your conversations from both malicious hackers ...
... and IT security enthusiasts - RemoteDirDetector. Developed by SecurityXploded, this cutting-edge software serves to identify remotely accessible file systems on a network. The user-friendly interface allows you to efficiently scan systems and detect open SMB file shares, FTP and WebDAV ...