Version | Change log |
HostsMan 4.8.106 Jun 4, 2017 | |
HostsMan 4.7.105 Jan 4, 2017 |
added: Update Manager dialog now has the option to open local update source files in editor; added: "Dan Pollock's hosts file" source; changed: more information is displayed when hosts file is in use by other applications (Vista and later); changed: updated URLs for "Peter Lowe's AdServers List" and "Malware Domain List" sources; |
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... to a must-have software for your computer - HostsMan Portable. Developed by, this software provides a ... for editing and managing your computer's Hosts file. With HostsMan Portable, you can easily speed up your internet ... safe and secure. One of the best things about HostsMan Portable is its portability. You can transfer it ...