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Kintecus 6.80 Feb 17, 2019 | The ultra-accurate standard error calculation of fits known as bootstrapping now supports Global/local regression datasets for both global and local variable regressions with/without equation constraints with/without multiple datasets with/without uneven time steps/unlimited data points and more! |
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... have an exciting review for you. Novo Tech Software Ltd. has developed a cutting-edge software called "Becker Penetration Test Software - NovoBPT" that is revolutionizing the way geotechnical assessments are conducted. This powerful software enables you to carry out soil penetration tests ...
... is proud to present the ultimate solution for curve fitting in scientific and engineering applications - BestCurFit by ... and intuitive interface, BestCurFit provides accurate and reliable curve fitting for complex data sets. Whether you're working on research projects or developing new products, BestCurFit simplifies curve fitting, saving you valuable time and resources. Developed by ...
... excited to share with you our latest must-have software pick: iUnit by Black Cat Systems. This powerful ... anyone who needs to convert units frequently. The software is updated regularly to ensure accuracy and compatibility with the latest operating systems. Black ...