Version | Change log |
LightWave 3D 64-bit 2020.0.3 May 25, 2021 | |
LightWave 3D 64-bit 2020.0.2 Jul 15, 2020 |
Mirror in Modeler addressed to keep from flipping polygons and creating 'bad polygons' while mirroring. Changed the Ambient and Environment light intensity to percentage. Changed the Ambient light default to 25%. The ambient light was not disabled when "Affect Diffuse" is off. LB-5928 LW2020_OpenGL Overlay & OpenGL WireFrame is slow compared to LW2019 LB-6031 color info is not updating in OpenGL when fibers are create in modeler. LB-6276 OpenGL Transparency is not working properly with this scene LB-6326 Color correct OpenGL not working LB-6327 Use Background Color not working in OpenGL LB-6328 OpenGL Fog causes to loose textures in OpenGL view LB-6414 OGL Transparency Disappears LB-6431 Rendering does not progress. LB-6536 GE no longer shares motion modifiers or expressions with other tool. LB-6537 Modeler errors when loading objects with cycler on surfaces LB-6538 Particle Blur is broken LB-6539 Distribute tool doesn't work as expected |
LightWave 3D 64-bit 2020.0.1 May 22, 2020 |
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