Version | Change log |
Magnifier 2.4 Jul 19, 2007 | The application now supports the mouse wheel to allow for fast zooming. |
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Top Download Club is excited to introduce you to a useful and powerful software named ColorPic, developed by Iconico. This innovative tool is a color picker that allows users to easily capture and customize any color that appears on their computer ...
... such as color history, color conversion, and screen magnifier, making it a versatile tool for all your color-related tasks. With ACA Color Picker, you can create and save color palettes, customize your color preferences, and even pick colors from images and ...
Top Download Club is thrilled to introduce you to ColorCache, a revolutionary software developed by Technology Lighthouse. This impressive color tool makes choosing the perfect color scheme for your projects a breeze, with its unique features and user-friendly interface. ColorCache acts ...