Version | Change log |
Mixcraft 9.0.460 Apr 24, 2020 |
Fixed: Loading projects with frozen tracks weren't staying frozen Problems loading a project with MIDI routing Other tracks bleeding into Slice operations Bouncing clips in areas with tempo automation and no markers Corrupted project so that volume slider returns to original position And more! |
Mixcraft 9.0.458 Apr 2, 2020 |
When creating zip files, it now properly handles duplicate file names from different source folders. Undo crash fix for tuner track after duplication. Undo/redo related fixes for tuner tracks/armed tracks. New drum kit mapping. Font size fix for Chinese. And more fixes & improvements. |
Mixcraft 9.0 Jan 13, 2020 |
New visuals, detachable panels Curved automation Tempo & Pitch Automation Vocoder Tracks Modular Synthesis New Mixer Panels, Effects and Instruments Advanced Plug-in Automation and Control Step Recording Piano Roll Improvements Convert Audio to MIDI More improvements based on your feedback |
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... Sony ACID Pro, one of the most comprehensive music production software programs in the market. Developed by Sony Creative ... virtual instruments, and sophisticated plugins to enhance your music creation experience. It’s now fully connected with ACIDplanet, which ... other users. Overall, Sony ACID Pro is a top-of-the-line music production software program that has gained well deserved recognition across ...
... developed by XT Software. EnergyXT provides a comprehensive digital audio workstation (DAW) that allows musicians to streamline their production process in a simple and intuitive way. With EnergyXT, musicians can effortlessly create and edit MIDI sequences, control virtual instruments, and ...
... designed to be used with Renoise, a popular digital audio workstation, but can also be used with other music production software. One of the standout features of the RPG is the ease ...