Version | Change log |
Montax imposer Basic 1.8.2 Dec 8, 2013 |
Feature for correction of digital printer inaccuracies. Using spot colors for custom objects. Uniform back side allows you to select back side for the whole sheet. It is possible to add numbering to the sheet, it can be used for printing of numbered tickets, for adding page numbers etc. |
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Top Download Club is proud to present Montax Imposer Application Basic, an exceptional software developed by STAP studio. This innovative software is an ideal print tool for designers and printers, offering advanced impositioning features for graphics and printing professionals. Montax Imposer Application ...
Top Download Club is proud to feature the Montax Imposer Application ProHot, developed by STAP studio. This innovative software offers a comprehensive solution for all your imposition needs, allowing you to easily and efficiently impose ... interface and a wide range of customizable options, Montax Imposer Application ProHot is the perfect tool for ...
... of the standout features of SmartVizor is its intuitive interface, making it easy for users of all experience levels to navigate. In addition, this software is incredibly flexible, allowing you to customize the interface to your liking. SmartVizor is also ...