Version | Change log |
Multiple Choice Quiz Maker 18.2.0 Jan 22, 2019 | Improvements to the program flow of the Quiz Maker EBook files. The changes ensure that the .exe quizzes that you create now open quickly and run efficiently on a broader spectrum of Windows platforms and system configurations. |
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... is proud to present its latest recommendation: ProProfs Quiz Maker by ProProfs. This software is a must-have for anyone looking to create custom quizzes or tests quickly and easily. ProProfs Quiz Maker comes packed with useful features that make it ... coding knowledge, allowing anyone to build and edit quizzes with ease. You can add images, videos, and ...
... again proven its prowess in the field of educational software with its latest release, "Killexams DRI CBCP Exam ... DRI CBCP Exam Dumps 2023 is a top-notch educational software that provides a comprehensive, well-structured, and user-friendly platform for DRI CBCP exam ...
... Templates empowers users to easily and effectively create engaging and stimulating quizzes, tests, and surveys that can be utilized for a wide range of purposes, from ...