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My Screen Saver 2.03 Jun 28, 2004 |
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Top Download Club is pleased to present Screen-It, a powerful screen-capture software developed by renowned programmer Kevin Solway. With Screen-It, you can easily capture and save screenshots of your computer screen, including active windows and even scrolling pages. The options for customization ...
... is thrilled to present its latest software discovery, Screen Watermark by xSecuritas, Inc. This innovative tool allows users to seamlessly add watermarks to their computer screens, ensuring that their intellectual property is protected at ... to graphic design and web development. With easy customizability and user-friendly features, this software makes the watermarking ...
... we're excited to introduce you to iTop Easy Desktop, an innovative software developed by iTop Inc. iTop Easy Desktop is a powerful and user-friendly tool that makes managing your desktop a breeze. With its intuitive interface, you'll be able to customize and organize your desktop icons and files with ease, saving you time ...