Version | Change log |
MySQL Service Center 6.7 Jul 31, 2006 | Secure SHell (SSH) tunnelling support |
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Top Download Club is thrilled to present Data Wizard for MySQL, a powerful software developed by SQL Maestro Group that facilitates effortless management and manipulation of MySQL databases. This gem of a tool allows even novice users to perform complex tasks ...
... excited to introduce you to PHP Generator for MySQL Professional developed by SQL Maestro Group. If you're looking for a powerful tool to generate PHP scripts for MySQL databases, then this software is a must-have for you. ... that meet your business needs. PHP Generator for MySQL Professional has a user-friendly wizard with 100 color ...
... Club is excited to recommend the MS SQL Server to MySQL Express Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 Migration Tool by Ispirer Systems. This powerful software provides effortless database migration from MS SQL Server to MySQL Express in just a few clicks. With easy-to-use ...