Version | Change log |
ONVIF Device Manager 2.2.250 Sep 30, 2019 |
Bug [ONVIFDM-416] - password and name should be ecoded as utf8 during calculating password digest [ONVIFDM-417] - incoorect logic for time zone rule selection [ONVIFDM-418] - time zone original string should be shown in case if there are no matches with systme time znones [ONVIFDM-419] - incorrect handling of Julian day |
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... from, and one of their standout programs is Network Drive Manager, developed by Suncross. This software simplifies the process of connecting and disconnecting from network drives by automating the task of mapping network drives to a user-friendly interface. It is ideal ...
... of the most innovative and user-friendly software for network designing, the "Network Notepad" developed by Jason Green. This cutting-edge software is an essential tool for network administrators, engineers, and designers to visualize, plan, and maintain complex networks of all sizes. Network Notepad simplifies network management ...
... of the standout programs we recently reviewed is Network Notepad Enterprise, developed by J.A.Green. This powerful software is a must-have for network administrators and IT professionals looking to streamline their network documentation and management processes. Network Notepad Enterprise offers a ... of features, including the ability to create detailed network diagrams, track IP addresses, and manage device configurations. ...