Version | Change log |
PDF Generator SDK for JavaScript 1.16.152 Mar 29, 2016 |
improved javascript pdf generation improved handling of missing/corrupted images: now if .stopOnInvalidImages is true (by default) then script throws BytescoutPDFFatalError exception on invalid images |
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The JavaScript PDF Generator, developed by JavaScript PDF Generator Cybertech, is a top-tier software that has revolutionized ... we create PDFs. This software is a game-changer for developers, providing a seamless and efficient way to generate PDFs using JavaScript. The software is designed with user-friendly interfaces, making ...
... clear. jQuery Spell Check is user-friendly and available for a wide variety of languages, making it an ideal choice for global organizations that need to communicate effectively in ... accuracy of this software make it a must-have for any website or application that wants to enhance ...
... Server-Side Menus API Add-in" as the best solution for web developers in creating server-side dynamic menus. Developed by Likno Software, this add-in seamlessly integrates with AllWebMenus to provide smooth menu navigation without burdening your server. Simplify your coding process with ...