Version | Change log |
PHPEdit 5.10.5 Nov 30, 2024 |
[HttpClient] Fix checking for private IPs before connecting [HttpClient] Close gracefull when the server closes the connection abruptly [Dotenv] read runtime config from composer.json in debug dotenv command [PropertyInfo] Fix write visibility for Asymmetric Visibility and Virtual Properties [Translation] [Bridge][Lokalise] Fix empty keys array in PUT, DELETE requests causing Lokalise API error [DoctrineBridge] Fix Connection::createSchemaManager() for Doctrine DBAL v2 [PropertyInfo] consider write property visibility to decide whether a property is writable [TwigBridge] do not add child nodes to EmptyNode instances [Cache] silence warnings issued by Redis Sentinel on connection issues [AssetMapper] ignore missing directory in isVendor() [OptionsResolver] Allow Union/Intersection Types in Resolved Closures [DependencyInjection] Fix checking for interfaces in ContainerBuilder::getReflectionClass() Dynamically fix compatibility with doctrine/data-fixtures v2 [HttpKernel] Ensure HttpCache::getTraceKey() does not throw exception [DoctrineBridge] don't call EntityManager::initializeObject() with scalar values [Cache] make RelayProxyTrait compatible with relay extension 0.9.0 [HttpClient] Fix empty hosts in option "resolve" [HttpClient] Fix option "resolve" with IPv6 addresses [WebProfilerBundle] Twig deprecations [HttpClient] Fix option "bindto" with IPv6 addresses [Serializer][Validator] prevent failures around not existing TypeInfo classes [PropertyInfo][Serializer][Validator] TypeInfo 7.2 compatibility [HttpClient] Removed body size limit [Validator] fix compatibility with PHP < 8.2.4 [Notifier] Fix GoIpTransport [HttpClient] Fix catching some invalid Location headers Work around parse_url() bug (bis) [Messenger] silence PHP warnings issued by Redis::connect() [PhpUnitBridge] fix dumping tests to skip with data providers [Routing] Fix: lost priority when defining hosts in configuration [HttpClient] fix PHP 7.2 compatibility |
PHPEdit 5.10.4 Nov 6, 2024 |
bug #57803 [FrameworkBundle] move adding detailed JSON error messages to the validate phase (@xabbuh) bug #57815 [Console][PhpUnitBridge][VarDumper] Fix NO_COLOR empty value handling (@alexandre-daubois) bug #57828 [Translation] Fix CSV escape char in CsvFileLoader on PHP >= 7.4 (@alexandre-daubois) bug #57812 [Validator] treat uninitialized properties referenced by property paths as null (@xabbuh) bug #57816 [DoctrineBridge] fix messenger bus dispatch inside an active transaction (@IndraGunawan) bug #57799 [ErrorHandler][VarDumper] Remove PHP 8.4 deprecations (@alexandre-daubois) bug #57772 [WebProfilerBundle] Add word wrap in tables in dialog to see all the text in workflow listeners dialog (@SpartakusMd) bug #57708 [PropertyInfo] Check if property is nullable when using ReflectionExtractor (@benjilebon) bug #57802 [PropertyInfo] Fix nullable value returned from extractFromMutator on CollectionType (@benjilebon) bug #57832 [DependencyInjection] Do not try to load default method name on interface (@lyrixx) bug #57748 [SecurityBundle] use firewall-specific user checkers when manually logging in users (@xabbuh) bug #57753 [ErrorHandler] restrict the maximum length of the X-Debug-Exception header (@xabbuh) bug #57646 [Serializer] Raise correct exception in ArrayDenormalizer when called without a nested denormalizer (@derrabus) bug #57674 [Cache] Improve dbindex DSN parameter parsing (@constantable) bug #57678 [Validator] Add setGroupProvider to AttributeLoader (Maximilian Zumbansen) bug #57679 [WebProfilerBundle] Change incorrect check for the stateless request attribute (@themasch) bug #57663 [Cache] use copy() instead of rename() on Windows (@xabbuh) bug #57617 [PropertyInfo] Handle collection in PhpStan same as PhpDoc (@mtarld) bug #54057 [Messenger] Passing actual Envelope to WorkerMessageRetriedEvent (@daffoxdev) bug #57645 [Routing] Discard in-memory cache of routes when writing the file-based cache (@mpdude) bug #57621 [Mailer] force HTTP 1.1 for Mailgun AP |
PHPEdit 5.10.2 Aug 31, 2024 |
bug #57803 [FrameworkBundle] move adding detailed JSON error messages to the validate phase (@xabbuh) bug #57815 [Console][PhpUnitBridge][VarDumper] Fix NO_COLOR empty value handling (@alexandre-daubois) bug #57828 [Translation] Fix CSV escape char in CsvFileLoader on PHP >= 7.4 (@alexandre-daubois) bug #57812 [Validator] treat uninitialized properties referenced by property paths as null (@xabbuh) bug #57816 [DoctrineBridge] fix messenger bus dispatch inside an active transaction (@IndraGunawan) bug #57799 [ErrorHandler][VarDumper] Remove PHP 8.4 deprecations (@alexandre-daubois) bug #57772 [WebProfilerBundle] Add word wrap in tables in dialog to see all the text in workflow listeners dialog (@SpartakusMd) bug #57708 [PropertyInfo] Check if property is nullable when using ReflectionExtractor (@benjilebon) bug #57802 [PropertyInfo] Fix nullable value returned from extractFromMutator on CollectionType (@benjilebon) bug #57832 [DependencyInjection] Do not try to load default method name on interface (@lyrixx) bug #57748 [SecurityBundle] use firewall-specific user checkers when manually logging in users (@xabbuh) bug #57753 [ErrorHandler] restrict the maximum length of the X-Debug-Exception header (@xabbuh) bug #57646 [Serializer] Raise correct exception in ArrayDenormalizer when called without a nested denormalizer (@derrabus) bug #57674 [Cache] Improve dbindex DSN parameter parsing (@constantable) bug #57678 [Validator] Add setGroupProvider to AttributeLoader (Maximilian Zumbansen) bug #57679 [WebProfilerBundle] Change incorrect check for the stateless request attribute (@themasch) bug #57663 [Cache] use copy() instead of rename() on Windows (@xabbuh) bug #57617 [PropertyInfo] Handle collection in PhpStan same as PhpDoc (@mtarld) bug #54057 [Messenger] Passing actual Envelope to WorkerMessageRetriedEvent (@daffoxdev) bug #57645 [Routing] Discard in-memory cache of routes when writing the file-based cache (@mpdude) bug #57621 [Mailer] force HTTP 1.1 for Mailgun AP |
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