Version | Change log |
Power Saver 1.0 Sep 21, 2010 | New Version of Power Saver to allow to send windows computer to hibernate mode automatically and save power. The Windows Computer can be resumed to full power at a configurable time as well, saving power and thereby reducing electricity consumption for unattended windows computers. |
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... for PC enthusiasts, professionals and businesses alike - Auto Shutdown Pro II developed by Auto Shutdown Pro. This powerful utility delivers advanced features that will streamline your workflow by automatically shutting down, hibernating, or restarting your computer at predetermined times. With its intuitive ...
... to introduce a must-have software for every device, Power Plan Manager. Developed by Hamilton Engineering, this software is designed to manage your system's power plan effectively. With an easy-to-use interface, Power Plan Manager ensures that your device consumes less power, extending your battery life significantly. Whether you're a ...
Looking for the ultimate tool to streamline your computer's shutdown process? Look no further than Shutdown Manager and Tools from D.S.M./Interdesigner. This robust software solution offers a suite of powerful tools to help you manage and optimize your system's shutdown process, making it easier than ever to save ...