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SafetyBrowser 1.3 Apr 23, 2013 | Updated translations and easier feedback |
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... it accessible for readers of all levels. With customizable settings, you can adjust the reading speed, font size, and background color to suit your preferences, ensuring a comfortable reading experience. Reedy also supports various formats, including PDF and EPUB, making ...
... for users across the globe. Additionally, it offers customizable settings, allowing you to choose your preferred currency and conversion rates. Say goodbye to manual calculations and outdated exchange rates; Baizey's converter keeps you informed with the latest market data. Elevate ...
In the ever-evolving landscape of online interactions, "Shut Up for Firefox" by Ricky Romero emerges as a refreshing solution for those weary of unsolicited comments and distractions. This innovative add-on empowers users to take control of their browsing experience by effectively ...