Version | Change log |
SentiVeillance SDK Trial 9.0.20231214 Dec 14, 2023 |
Added support for Arabic license plates.
Added template matching support for Egypt, Morocco, Saudi Arabia license plates. Fix cases where best license plate has no assigned value. NSurveillanceEngine now throws more descriptive exception if data files are missing. And more! |
SentiVeillance SDK Trial 9.0.20230613 Jun 13, 2023 |
Fixed incorrect check if the object is in specified search area when CheckSearchAreaByObjectCenter parameter is set.
Fixed a bug with wrong object color returned when objects tracked for short duration. Fixed SurveillanceSampleCS events export error. Fixed surveillance-sample memory leaks. |
SentiVeillance SDK Trial 9.0 Jun 13, 2023 |
Improved all modalities.
Added support for Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, El Salvador license plates. Vehicle model recognition algorithm updated with newer models and improved accuracy. Added feature to recognize person's age group (Child, Teenager, Adult, Senior) when using VH modality. |
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