Version | Change log |
SharpDevelop 5.1.0 B5216 Apr 19, 2016 |
TypeScript support (details) WPF Designer improvements (details) Internal: AvalonEdit, WPF Designer, NRefactory, and Cecil are now submodules NuGet: Support Update-Package -reinstall for all packages in all projects |
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... is proud to present the "PDF Viewer C# Windows Application", a top-notch software developed by the expert team at "PDF Viewer C# Windows Application Team". This software is a must-have for developers ... viewing and managing PDF files. The PDF Viewer C# Windows Application is a powerful tool that provides a rich ...
... the latest and greatest in software development – IDE SparX. Developed by the talented Anand427, this innovative software is a must-have for any programmer. IDE SparX offers an intuitive and clean interface, making ... With its powerful debugging tools and customizable layout, IDE SparX allows you to streamline your programming workflow ...
Looking for the ultimate PHP editor that makes coding a breeze? Look no further than EngInSite PHP Editor (IDE), the innovative software created by Luckasoft. With its intuitive interface and easy-to-use tools, this program is perfect for anyone looking to develop ...