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Small Person Icons 2013.1 Jan 2, 2013 | Small Person Icons set is created |
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... addition to our list of top-rated software products. Small People Icons, developed by, is a revolutionary icon collection that truly captures the essence of people from all over the world. This software collection boasts a diverse range of over 2000 professionally ...
... popular and highly rated applications is "Windows Phone Set Icons," developed by Icon Lover. With its sleek interface and stunning graphics, this software allows users to customize their Windows phone by creating unique and eye-catching icons. Whether you're a professional designer or just want ...
... proud to present one of the most comprehensive icon sets for developers and designers - Perfect People Icons. Developed by Aha-Soft, this icon set is perfect for showcasing people of all ages, genders, professions, and ethnicities. With over 2000 unique designs, Perfect People Icons leave no stone unturned in ...