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Snippet Manager 2010 Mar 8, 2010 | New release |
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... developed by Tom Occhino. Snippely is a code snippet manager that helps developers and designers in managing their code snippets. With its intuitive interface and easy-to-use functionality, Snippely ... a hassle-free solution for saving and organizing code snippets. Snippely enables users to save their code snippets in ...
... and efficient tools for writers and coders alike. Snippets, developed by, is an innovative software that helps users create, ... and manage all types of text and code snippets. With Snippets, you no longer have to waste time on ... through folders for that one piece of code. puts all your snippets within easy reach and ...
... window layout, syntax highlighting, code folding, and a snippet manager to speed up your productivity. RadASM can be easily integrated with other Autocomplete software, ...