Version | Change log |
SQL Column Search Nov 17, 2015 | This is a major product update |
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... powerful software that will revolutionize the way you search and replace information in databases. The DataPipe Database Search Replace, developed by DataMystic, brings speed and efficiency ... tasks with its intelligent and user-friendly features. With DataPipe Database Search Replace, you can perform complex and multi-step ...
... latest addition to our arsenal of top-rated software, SQL Check by IDERA, Inc. This innovative tool is ... at ease when it comes to ensuring optimal database performance. SQL Check not only helps identify issues and potential ... solution. With user-friendly features and a flexible interface, SQL Check has everything you need to keep your ...
... latest addition to your software arsenal - the SQL Permissions Extractor developed by IDERA, Inc. This powerful tool is designed to simplify and streamline your SQL Server permissions management, giving you greater control and oversight over your database security. Whether you're a seasoned DBA or just starting out, ...