Version | Change log |
TAdvNavBar Oct 31, 2013 | Fixed : Issue with caption painting under specific circumstances |
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... TAdvPanel & TAdvPanelGroup, a revolutionary software developed by This software is designed for developers who want ... require sophisticated user interfaces. It lets developers create customizable panels and groups with a wide range of features, ... for developers to implement their unique preferences. Customized panels and groups can be created with a range ...
... and C++Builder developers. Developed by the team at, TMS Aurelius is designed to simplify the object-relational ... with the needs of developers in mind, providing intuitive tools and features that make creating and managing ... From built-in support for filtering and sorting to customizable display classes and live bindings, TMS Aurelius has ...
... software collection - TDBPlanner. Developed by the renowned, TDBPlanner is an efficient and user-friendly planning and scheduling tool that offers seamless integration with your existing systems. With its intuitive interface and customizable features, users can easily manage appointments, meetings, and ...