Version | Change log |
Tekaba 1.3.3 May 10, 2021 | Performance enhancements. |
Tekaba 1.3.2 Jan 6, 2020 | Performance enhancements. |
Tekaba 1.3.1 Aug 6, 2019 | Performance enhancements. |
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... reliable software tool that enables high-quality recording of SIP-based VoIP calls. Developed by VaxSoft, the VaxVoIP SIP Call Recording SDK is a cutting-edge solution that seamlessly integrates with your existing SIP servers and telephony apps. Its advanced features include support for various audio codecs, real-time call ...
... to our list of top software downloads: Mizu VoIP Tunnel. Developed by Mizutech S.R.L, this software is an innovative solution for those who require secure VoIP communications. Mizu VoIP Tunnel is easy to set up and use, and it offers top-notch security for your VoIP traffic. With its advanced features and encryption protocols, ...
... to present our latest software review for SMS Gateway by SMS Gateway. This powerful tool is the ultimate solution for ... individuals seeking an efficient messaging platform. With SMS Gateway, you can easily manage hundreds of thousands of ... also easy to use. Users can integrate SMS Gateway with their preferred database system and start messaging ...