Version | Change log |
TK8 Safe 3.2 Mar 9, 2009 | Windows Vista support, file synchronization feature added |
TK8 Safe 3.3 Aug 5, 2013 |
New: Added possibility to export History log table Added Norwegian translation. Fixed / changed: The program is now much faster, especially on 64-bit systems. Error fixed in the Find function when search was done within selected folder Password Bar errors are now fixed (appeared when switching between logins, credit cards and serial numbers). Double click on the column header will not open the details form any more but will resize the column to the optimal size The option to make a backup copy to the additional location (when the file was closed) did not work Copy and Auto-Type are now working fine for the Certificate fields in Serial Number categories |
TK8 Safe 3.2 Mar 9, 2009 | Windows Vista support, file synchronization feature added |
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TK8 Safe, developed by SimDev, is a cutting-edge password manager ... where data breaches and cyber threats are rampant, TK8 Safe stands out as a robust solution that not ... suite of features to enhance your overall online safety. With its user-friendly interface, TK8 Safe allows you to ...