Version | Change log |
TRANSDATpro 24.12 Jun 21, 2021 | Program is faster and more stable using a new development system. NTv2 reference systems for Belgium and Portugal added. New language interfaces for Italian, Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian. NTv2 reference systems TOKYO, JGD2000 and JGD2011 of Japan added. EPSG codes of Austria, Spain, Portugal. |
TRANSDATpro 19.11 Jan 25, 2016 | Support of Polygonal Validity Scopes in NTv2 grid files. 93 new Minnesota County coordinate systems. WINDOWS©10 certification after intensive test. ITRS epochs of the EUREF GPS Campaign ITRF2008. Display of original designation of chosen EPSG CRS. TRANSDAT wins Innovation Award. |
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... data transformation tools available in the market today: TRANSDATpro, from developer Killet GeoSoftware Ing.-GbR. This outstanding software ... data analysis, mapping, and many other applications. With TRANSDATpro, users can easily and accurately transform 2D and ... angle for a range of geographical features. Overall, TRANSDATpro has set a new standard for the data ...
... for all your geographic coordinate conversion needs - TRANSDATpro. Designed and developed by Killet GeoSoftware Ing.-GbR, TRANSDATpro is an industry-leading software that provides accurate conversions ... projections, and geodetic datums. With its user-friendly interface, TRANSDATpro makes it easy to access the most comprehensive ...
Top Download Club is thrilled to introduce SEVENPAR, the latest software developed by Killet GeoSoftware Ing.-GbR, the leading provider of innovative software solutions for the scientific community. SEVENPAR is a powerful tool that simplifies the laborious and time-consuming process of transforming ...