Version | Change log |
TutorKit Dec 10, 2014 |
Using keywords to filter students in results tab. Open word document in multiple choice exercises. Faster student detail saving. Replacing class and level as keywords. Improved registration process. Improved hilghlights list on fill-in editor. |
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... software with its latest release, "Killexams DRI CBCP Exam Dumps 2023". This software is a must-have for anyone preparing for the DRI CBCP exam, as it offers a comprehensive set of questions and answers that mirror the actual exam pattern. The software is designed with a user-friendly ...
... user-friendly software that will help you create engaging quizzes with ease? Look no further than Multiple Choice Quiz Maker from TAC-Soft. With this powerful tool, you can create custom quizzes that test your audience on any subject you choose. From simple pop quizzes to comprehensive exams, Multiple Choice Quiz Maker makes ...
Top Download Club introduces Quiz-Buddy, a must-have software for all students and professionals. Developed by Sierra Vista Software, this award-winning quiz software offers an innovative way to improve one's knowledge base. With Quiz-Buddy, users can create custom quizzes or choose from ...