Version | Change log |
UltraEdit Aug 27, 2024 |
Enhancements: New “Start support request” command Generates new email using default system email client Captures commonly needed user and system information Captures current application information Enhanced XML manager editing for attributes and values New horizontal split view for Live Preview New remote file upload/download progress bar in application status bar New compare file command added to file tab menu for easy access Compare tool configuration UI added to support any compare utility Enabled horizontal scrolling with secondary mouse wheel, trackpad, gestures, etc. New underline setting for URLs instead of highlighting Improved readability and usability of compare settings dialog New command to start default email application by clicking any email address in open documents Automatically recover previously open files after a crash without a prompt (reduces user interaction) Full cloud storage support in FTP Browser PowerShell and SSH terminal enhancements for text and command colors Other notable quality improvements: Improved code folding support for ASP code Improved positioning and selection range for “active line highlighting for wrapped lines Addressed selection issues with specific search ranges and EOF conditions Resolved discrepancies with differing search count results from different search features Addressed dialog control enable/disable state discrepancies with user tool configuration dialog Corrected negative column number display for certain HTML files Addressed multiple issues with display and editing with non-English text, code pages, and encodings Resolved multiple issues with tab settings and tab displays Resolved multiple printing issues with indentation, positioning, and wrapping |
UltraEdit Jun 6, 2024 | |
UltraEdit Apr 22, 2024 |
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UltraEdit Portable, developed by IDM Computer Solutions Inc., is ... customizable macros empower users to work more efficiently. Additionally, UltraEdit Portable includes powerful search and replace functionality, enabling ... web developers. Experience the freedom and flexibility of UltraEdit Portable, where powerful editing meets portability. ...