Version | Change log |
VB Watch 2.0 Aug 31, 2007 | Support for Windows 7. |
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... brings you one of the best tools for Visual Basic programming. Aivosto Oy's VB Friend is a feature-packed add-in that enhances ... with helpful features like code formatting, code coloring, error handling, and more. This must-have software is designed to help you optimize your code, save time, and increase productivity. Whether ...
... no further than Tao ExDOS. Developed by Tao Software Development Company, this innovative software solution lets you run your DOS applications on any modern Windows system, providing full support for text mode, Windows graphical user interfaces, and more. With minimal setup ...
... the perfect tool for those who want to optimize their computer's performance. ODIN 64-bit allows users to manage their computer's memory and CPU usage, ensuring that all applications run smoothly and without lag or delays. With ODIN 64-bit, you can ...