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VeryUtils OCR to Any Converter SDK 2.7 Apr 1, 2022 | VeryUtils OCR to Any Converter SDK can be used to convert scanned PDF, TIFF and Image files (JPEG, JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF, PCX, TGA, PBM, PNM, PPM) to editable Word, Excel, CSV, HTML, TXT, Pure Text Layer PDF, Invisible Text Layer PDF, etc. formats. |
VeryUtils OCR to Any Converter SDK 2.6 Apr 1, 2022 | VeryUtils OCR to Any Converter SDK can be used to convert scanned PDF, TIFF and Image files (JPEG, JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF, PCX, TGA, PBM, PNM, PPM) to editable Word, Excel, CSV, HTML, TXT, Pure Text Layer PDF, Invisible Text Layer PDF, etc. formats. |
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Top Download Club is thrilled to showcase "mini TIF to Word 2010 OCR Converter" developed by Inc. This highly efficient software ... documents in a matter of seconds. With advanced OCR technology, it accurately recognizes and extracts text, images ... heavy software. Overall, we highly recommend the "mini TIF to Word 2010 OCR Converter" for anyone who needs a ...
... individuals alike. One such software is the mini TIF to RTF OCR Converter developed by Inc. This software is one of ... for converting TIF files into RTF files. The OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology used in this software ... take up much space on your computer. Overall, mini TIF to RTF OCR Converter is a reliable and efficient tool ...
... Club offers a software review of the Mini TIF to Word 2007 OCR Converter developed by Inc. This powerful tool is ... conversion process quick and easy. What sets Mini TIF to Word 2007 OCR Converter apart from other similar software ...