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Virto SharePoint Workflow Activities Kit 5.1.3 May 27, 2015 | Virto SharePoint Workflow Activities Extensions offers the set of FREE activities and conditions, which are working with the native 2013 workflow engine: Get List Items, Copy/Move Document, Create List Item, Update List Item, Add/Remove folder, Copy/Move Folder, Copy/Move Attachments, etc. |
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... exceptional software products, the Image Upload Column for SharePoint. Designed and developed by the talented professionals at ArtfulBits Inc., this unprecedented software solution provides SharePoint users with a seamless and hassle-free method of uploading and embedding images into their SharePoint forms or document libraries. Easy to install and ...
... Club is proud to present Nevron Barcode for SharePoint, a high-quality barcode generator that is guaranteed to enhance your SharePoint experience. Developed by the software experts at Nevron ... product tracking, or any other application. Nevron Barcode for SharePoint is an innovative web part that seamlessly integrates ...
... software tools available in the market today. The Virto SharePoint Workflow Scheduler, developed by Virtosoftware, is a game changer for workflow automation on your SharePoint platform. With this easy-to-use web part, you can schedule workflows to run automatically, saving you time and increasing ...