Version | Change log |
Wild Media Server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP) 7.3 Mar 24, 2023 | Program settings - Events: added event "After editing information about a media resource". Information about "Internet television" folder, collection: added field "Transcoding profile". |
Wild Media Server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP) 7.1 Feb 18, 2023 | DMR device settings are now tied to its UUID, editing settings from the list or menu of DMR devices (for DLNA, Airplay and GCast clients now different settings). |
Wild Media Server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP) 6.17 Dec 27, 2022 | Main form of the program: added the button "Explorer" - show the form "UPnP Explorer", implements media controller functionality (DMC - Digital Media Controller). |
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... Club is thrilled to showcase the outstanding "Happytime Media Server" developed by "Happytimesoft". This software is a top-notch media server, perfect for all your streaming needs. With a user-friendly interface and top-notch performance, this software will surely impress. The "Happytime Media Server" is a comprehensive media server that allows you ...
... is proud to present one of the best media server options available – Universal Media Server by subjunk. The software offers unparalleled ease of ... have experts impressed. With compatibility for almost any media file type and an interface that is modern ...
... software programs you will ever come across: Fortitude HTTP x64, developed by the leading tech company NetworkDLS. ... of functions and features to optimize your website. Fortitude HTTP x64 is specifically designed for 64-bit Windows operating systems for maximum compatibility and stability. This ...