Version | Change log |
WinGDB 6.0 B2701 Jun 1, 2019 | |
WinGDB 5.0 B2507 May 2, 2017 |
Visual Studio 2017 support. Bug fixes. |
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... novice users to quickly generate custom installers with advanced features such as on-demand installation, automatic updates, and runtime dependencies. Moreover, the unique Web Media Blocks enable seamless integration with web content and services, boosting the installation experience for end-users. With ...
... Java supports the creation of MSI packages, ensuring seamless integration with Windows environments. The software offers advanced options for customization, enabling users to tailor their ...
... support for a wide range of platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS, ensuring that your installation packages can be easily deployed and installed across all your target systems. Additionally, it includes features that let you detect and automatically download prerequisite ...