Version | Change log |
XojoApp Desktop 5.0.2 Jun 5, 2020 | Enhanced to support Xojo 2019R2 or later |
XojoApp Desktop 5.0.1 Oct 17, 2019 | Enhanced to support Xojo 2019R2 |
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Looking for a reliable and powerful software component pack for building web applications? Look no further than TMS IntraWeb Component Pack Pro, developed by TMS Software. This easy-to-use ... a wide range of user interface and security components, as well as a variety of useful features ...
... is excited to introduce you to the Accord.NET Framework, a powerful statistical machine learning library, developed by ... data scientists alike. With its modular architecture, the Accord.NET Framework allows for the quick and easy creation of ... to its impressive machine learning capabilities, the Accord.NET Framework also provides support for a variety of image ...
... to present our latest review of the Xafari Framework developed by Galantis. This innovative software offers an array of features that will streamline your development process and increase productivity. The Xafari Framework allows developers to extend the functionality of the DevExpress XAF Framework, making it a great choice for developers who ...