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Visualization Toolkit (VTK) 9.1.0 screenshot

Visualization Toolkit (VTK)

... picks is the Visualization Toolkit (VTK) developed by Kitware, Inc. This comprehensive package is an open-source, cross-platform software system for three-dimensional computer graphics, image processing, and visualization. VTK is specifically designed for research or industrial applications that demand complex visualization of ...

Visualization Toolkit (VTK) 9.1.0 DownloadVisualization Toolkit (VTK) like
ParaView 5.0.1 screenshot


... the versatile ParaView. Developed by Sandia Corporation and Kitware Inc., ParaView is a free and open-source program that enables users to visualize and analyze their data in a comprehensive and efficient manner. With its intuitive and user-friendly interface, ParaView enhances ...

ParaView 5.0.1 DownloadParaView like
CMake 3.31.5 screenshot


... for building, testing, and packaging software. Developed by Kitware, Inc., CMake is designed to simplify the build process for developers, allowing them to create high-quality software more efficiently. With CMake, users can easily generate build files for multiple platforms and ...

CMake 3.31.5 DownloadCMake like
PyRx 0.8 screenshot


Introducing PyRx, the mystifying software developed by Sarkis Dallakian. PyRx is an all-inclusive virtual screening software that facilitates the identification of potential drugs to cure diseases. This software uses PyMOL as a molecular graphics system for molecule manipulation and offers a ...

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